Here's why you should practice yoga every day..?

Every year on june 21st, the globe recognizes the ancient practice of yoga with the international Day of Yoga. This day, which the UN started in 2014, highlights yoga's all-encompassing approach to health and wellbeing. It's a good idea to explore why adding yoga to your regular regimen can change your life as the 2024 celebration draws near.
The history of yoga: yoga has a 5,000-year history that began in India. The sanskrit word "yuj," which means to integrate or unite, is where the word "yoga" originates. It combines physical postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), and meditation to signify the unity of body and mind. Harmony with the outside world and with oneself is fostered by this synergy.
Physical advantages of regular yoga practice: Increased strength and flexibility
Regular yoga practice increases muscular strength and flexibility dramatically. Frequent stretches using different asanas improve range of motion and lower the chance of injury. Plank and warrior stances are examples of strength-building poses that improve muscle tone and endurance.
Improved spinal health and posture
Yoga promotes awareness of posture and body alignment. By strengthening the spine and surrounding muscles, asanas like downward-facing dog and mountain pose improve posture and reduce back discomfort. By emphasizing alignment, degenerative spinal disorders are avoided.
Increased resistance to infection
The immune system is considered to be strengthened by regular yoga practice. Combining exercise, mindful breathing, and meditation lowers stress hormones, clears the respiratory tract and lungs, and activates the lymphatic system to flush the body of pollutants.
Benefits for the emotions and mind: Reduce stress
One of the biggest benefits of yoga is that it reduces stress. By engaging in mindfulness and deep breathing exercises, one can reduce cortisol, the primary hormone linked to stress, and promote relaxation. This facilitates effective stress, anxiety, and depression management.
Increased focus and mental clarity
Yoga improves mental clarity and attention by having practitioners concentrate on their breathing and movement. Meditation and pranayama are examples of practices that improve memory and cognitive function by increasing the amount of oxygenated blood flowing to the brain.

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