A food adulteration scandal in china in 2008 rocked the country. As a part of this, around 3 lakh children fell sick due to the sale of a chemical called melamine mixed with milk powder.. Six children lost their lives. In this sequence, Vantanune scandal has recently come to the fore. The scandal will now rock China.Yes... It seems that the cooking oil scandal will rock china now. As a part of this, there are allegations that the containers used to transport the most dangerous chemicals were filled with cooking oil in the same containers without being cleaned at all. As this matter became a hot topic, there was an outcry across the country.Beijing news recently published an article in this regard. As part of this, it has been revealed that in china, the transportation of cooking oil in such dangerous containers is very natural in that industry and it is an open secret. In addition, it was revealed that the tankers used for transporting fuel were also used to transport syrups! In this background, this matter has become a hot topic in China. Currently it has reached the top trending in social media. As part of this, it seems that millions of people have seen the story of this scandal on the Chinese social network platform Weibo. At the same time, it has become a hot topic that the names of Chinese government companies are also heard in this matter.


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