At what age can children be given coffee and tea..!?

Children are generally told not to give coffee or tea. But we can also know at what age we can give and buy. When you wake up in the morning, it is a joy to drink a cup of hot tea. That's why many people start their day with tea and coffee. It is very common for adults to drink tea and coffee. But... for kids? Can they get used to tea and coffee? Even if they get used to it.. from what age should we start giving them tea and coffee..? Find out what the experts have to say about this. According to experts, children should be at least 14 years old to be given coffee and tea. Children under that age should not be given tea or coffee even by mistake. Giving like that prevents their development. This affects children a lot. If you have been giving tea and coffee to your children, it is better to stop immediately.
Caffeine, which is actually in coffee, stimulates the brain and increases the heart rate. Similarly, it creates problems like stomach ulcers, stomach pain, and distraction problems. Due to this, children's sleep is disturbed. When children's sleep is disturbed, their physical growth automatically slows down. There is tannin in tea. It strengthens children's teeth and bones. Some children become addicted to drinking tea, which is dangerous for them. Tannins present in tea and coffee affect the mental and physical health of children.Sugar content: Tea and coffee contain too much sugar along with caffeine. It is harmful to children. If necessary, children above 14 years of age can be given a small amount of one cup a day. If the child has a fever, you can give tea with a piece of ginger, and two or three cardamoms. This will help them recover faster. Vomiting is normal in children. Because their immune system is developing. Herbal tea can be given to stop swelling and vomiting.

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