Do you also eat more during fasting?

By doing virtuous deeds, man gets happiness. On the other hand, those who become partners in sin have to suffer. Every creature desires happiness and wants to get rid of sorrow. Seeing such a situation of humans, many measures have been given in Vedas and Puranas for the welfare of humans and to get rid of sorrow. One of those measures is also fasting.

Fasting is a seeker of religion (Importance of Fasting)

Fasting has been called a seeker of religion. By fasting, sins are destroyed, virtue is generated, body and mind are purified. But one mistake that many people make during fasting is to keep eating something or the other, eat fruits again and again, consume sherbet etc. In such a situation, a question must come in the mind of the people who fast that how much should one eat during the fast and how much food should be eaten so that the rules of fasting are not violated. Let's know.

How much should one eat during the fast?

Fasting purifies the body from inside. All kinds of toxins come out from within the body. Which keeps the body healthy. The mind is calm which makes you feel good. One should eat the right amount during the fast. Consuming food in large quantities can also harm you. In such a situation, for the nutrition of the body, one should eat fruits 2 to 3 times a day. With which it is best to consume juice in between. At the same time, you can also consume dry fruits. During the fast, you can consume fruits, milk, buttermilk in place of food. Along with this, by consuming water, your digestive system also remains right. It is described in the scriptures that fruits should be consumed instead of food during the fast. Avoid complete diet during the fast.

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