Changing pads frequently during periods reduce risk?

It is often said that if you want to avoid infection, you should change pads frequently. This is not true at all. Because it is not written anywhere that changing pads frequently reduces the risk of infection. Pads should be changed every 4-6 hours. And if you are changing pads even in between, then it completely depends on heavy bleeding, less floam and how long it takes for the pad to get dirty. It is not at all true that doing this increases or decreases the risk of infection. ABP Live hindi has started a series on 'Myth vs Facts'. Through this series, we will try to answer all the myths in the society regarding pregnancy, which people follow thinking them to be true, in a logical manner. Like in our society there are many things about periods which doctors consider myths. Through this Myth VS Truth, we will present such things with facts to the general public. So that you do not get trapped in the quagmire of orthodox lies.

There are many myths in the society about periods

Women do not know many things about periods. During this time it is very important to take care of cleanliness. This question arises in the mind of many women that when and after how much time should pads be changed during periods. During this time special care should be taken of cleanliness. Being a woman, it is very important to know what should be done during this time. Take special care of cleanliness during periods.

After how much time should pads be changed during periods?

Special care should be taken of cleanliness during periods. Then why is there no heavy bleeding? You should change pads according to your flow. It is very important for women to change pads every 4-6 hours. Not doing so increases the risk of infection. The 'American college of Obstetricians and Gynecologists' (ACOG) recommends changing pads at least every 4 to 8 hours. But this is a very normal limit. How often you change your pad depends entirely on the blood flow. Also, what quality of pad do you use? Because if good quality pads are used, then it is possible that you may not have to change it immediately but only after a long gap.

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