Dream of becoming a mother even after menopause!!!

The idea of becoming a mother after menopause can be shocking for many people. Menopause is a period when women lose their fertility and menstruation stops. After this, the possibility of conceiving naturally becomes very low. But with the advancement in the field of science and the advent of new technologies, it has now become possible for women to fulfill their dream of becoming a mother even after menopause. Let's know about it ...

What is IVF and how does it work?

IVF is a process in which the woman's egg and the man's sperm are mixed outside the body, in a lab. After this, the embryo formed from this union is implanted in the woman's uterus. If the woman's uterus is healthy, then there is a possibility of pregnancy. After menopause, women stop producing eggs, so IVF either uses the woman's own preserved eggs or donor eggs.

Stages of menopause

Perimenopause: This is the early stage of menopause, when periods become irregular but do not stop completely. Fertility starts declining during this time, but pregnancy is still possible. If you are considering IVF, this is your best chance.

Menopause: When periods stop completely for a year, it is called menopause. In this stage, the ovaries stop producing eggs and the possibility of natural pregnancy ends.

Postmenopause: The period after menopause, called postmenopause, begins when the body has fully adapted to the hormonal changes. During this time, fertility ends completely. Donor eggs are currently used for pregnancy through IVF.
Experts' opinion
Experts believe that the process of becoming a mother after menopause can be quite challenging, but if the woman's health is good and the uterus is ready for pregnancy, then the dream of becoming a mother can be fulfilled through IVF. However, the risk of complications increases with age, so this process should be adopted only after expert advice and complete examination.

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