Does drinking milk during pregnancy make baby fair?

A pregnant woman should drink milk because it makes the baby fair? Often the elders of the house say such things. But does it really happen? In ABP Live Hindi's special series Myth Vs Fact, we will know in detail whether there is any truth in such a thing. Does drinking milk make the baby fair? While doing research on this, we saw many articles. Which tell that drinking milk during pregnancy makes the baby fair. There is no truth in this. The color of the baby's skin depends on the genes of the parents. Not what the mother eats during pregnancy? Therefore, drinking milk does not have any effect on the color of the child.

What will be the color of the child?

The color of the baby's skin is mainly determined by the genes inherited from both the parents. Not what the mother eats and what not? There is no scientific evidence to support the idea that drinking milk during pregnancy can affect the baby's skin color. Cow's milk is generally considered the healthiest option because it has a good nutritional profile. However, if you are lactose intolerant or have other preferences, you can try other types of milk such as soy, almond or rice milk. If you choose non-dairy milk, look for unsweetened, calcium-fortified options.

Fat : Low-fat milk is good for the body. Low-fat or non-fat milk is generally healthier than whole or low-fat milk.

Pasteurization: Avoid drinking raw (unpasteurized) milk or eating products made from raw milk as they may contain harmful bacteria.

Cheese: Hard cheeses such as cheddar and Wensleydale are fine to eat, but you should avoid soft cheeses with a white crust such as Brie and Camembert and blue cheese. You can also use these paneer in cooking as long as you cook them till they are steaming hot.

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