Do not get annoyed with snorers, people get heart attack!!!

If someone in your house snores while sleeping and you laugh or make fun of this habit of his, then you should be serious. Such a person is standing on the verge of death. people who snore have a much higher risk of heart attack, brain stroke and sudden cardiac arrest than normal people. According to health experts, people who snore severely can even die while sleeping. Therefore, snoring is not a normal disease, but an invitation to serious trouble.

Former HOD Pulmonary Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, AIIMS New delhi and Chairman PSRI, IPCSM Dr. GC Khilnani says that people who snore have a disease called obstructive sleep apnea. This is a common problem. Snoring means that people who have short neck, obesity, large tonsils and many other reasons, when the muscles are relaxing while sleeping at night and air goes into the lungs, the flow of air decreases. Now as the sleep becomes deeper, their snoring increases. Due to this, not only the lungs, brain and heart, but the oxygen reaches less in the whole body. These people's sleep also gets interrupted repeatedly. The mouth becomes dry repeatedly at night. They feel drowsy repeatedly during the day.

These are the diseases

Dr. Khilnani says that due to less oxygen reaching not only the brain and heart but also other parts of the body, such persons get many health issues which are very

. Brain stroke

. heart attack

. Sudden cardiac arrest

. Dementia in long term

. Accident

. High blood pressure

These are the causes of snoring

Dr. says that the problem of snoring is most common in obese people. 70 to 80 percent of obese people snore. people who have a fat stomach, thick neck, fat deposited inside the throat, have the disease of snoring. Apart from this, due to crooked nose bone or cold, there is obstruction in breathing and snoring occurs.

What is the treatment for snoring?

. Weight loss- The easiest and most important way to stop snoring is to reduce one's weight. As the weight reduces, snoring will also reduce.

. C-Pap machine- C-Pap (continuous positive airway pressure) machine is applied on the nose and throat while sleeping. This machine keeps the air pressure correct even when the person is in deep sleep. This also helps the person sleep well, oxygen also reaches the body, he wakes up fresh in the morning and he is free from all kinds of health risks.

. Operation- The third treatment for snoring is operation. Suppose someone's tonsils are large, the structure of the throat is such that the air pressure cannot reach, then surgery is required. ENT surgeons perform this operation.

Dental Appliances- Dental appliances are also used as the fourth treatment, although different appliances are needed for each patient. This brings the jaw a little forward and reduces snoring and provides relief from the problem of frequent sleep apnea. However, these are effective only in mild cases. These appliances are not successful in severe cases.

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