Will AI become the most accurate treatment against cancer?

Cancer is a disease that has killed millions of people around the world. Chemotherapy, radiation or surgery is usually done to treat it. However, these methods also have many limitations. In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the medical sector. In such a situation, now Artificial Intelligence has also raised new hope in the treatment of cancer. But can AI really become the most accurate treatment against cancer? Let's understand in depth.

First, know what is Artificial Intelligence?

Computers have now become much smarter than before. They can now do things that only humans could do earlier. Such as learning, thinking and solving problems. This ability of a machine is called Artificial Intelligence (AI). How does all this happen? Actually, computers are given special instructions (algorithms). Using these instructions, computers can find patterns by looking at a lot of data and understanding the relationship between different things. All this is very difficult for humans.

Is AI also helping in treating cancer?

AI is now also helping in treating cancer. From understanding cancer to caring for patients, AI is being used everywhere. These AI tools are also helping in understanding how cancer works, how to detect cancer, how to discover new medicines, monitoring cancer and providing healthcare. America's National cancer Institute (NCI) is working on all these things. There are three reasons for this: new methods and algorithms to train AI models, improvements in the computer hardware required to train these AI models and access to a lot of cancer data. Because of all this, AI can now understand new things about cancer. By looking at the data of patients, their treatment can be improved.

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