Lessons from Covid: Niti Aayog's Second framework...

The second framework of the PPER plan is to create a strong surveillance network. This network will include genomics and clinical data. This network will connect human, animal and environmental information. Its purpose will be to ensure that whenever a new epidemic emerges, information about it can be obtained immediately.

The second step is to create an integrated data portal, which will bring all the data related to infectious diseases in one place. This will facilitate the exchange of information between different agencies and help in taking timely decisions. The third step is to build a modeling and forecasting network. This network will help in quickly identifying emerging threats. It will have the ability to predict a possible epidemic using different types of data. This will give timely warning to health officials and they will be able to take appropriate steps.

The fourth step is to build a biosecurity network which will include laboratories with BSL3 and BSL4 facilities. These high-security laboratories will help in studying diseases. BSL3 and BSL4 mean that they have to follow very strict safety rules. Its purpose will be to ensure that we understand the causes of disease in animals and humans and prevent their spread.

Third framework

The first step of this framework is to study diseases by bringing together experts from different fields. Experts from different fields will study the germs that can cause epidemics. This research will help us understand how these germs spread and what can be effective measures against them. The second step is to develop countermeasures. This includes developing new medicines and vaccines to treat diseases. This includes making protective equipment to prevent diseases. 

The third step is to set up a special PPER fund. This fund will help in research to find new methods. This fund will provide funds for projects that are high risk but also important.

The fourth step of this framework is to create a special institute that will focus on finding new methods and making vaccines. This institute will develop new technologies by bringing together experts from different fields. This institute will help in developing new ideas and technologies that will increase the ability to deal with health crises.

The next step is to strengthen factories and supply chains to increase the capacity to produce medicines, equipment and other essential materials. This will ensure that the country has adequate quantities of essential materials available. It will focus on connecting the supply chain at different levels. After this, the next step is to create special training centers that will teach people the necessary skills. These centers will focus on areas where the country does not have enough experts.

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