How many hours can a person work?

According to the international Labor Organization (ILO), one should not work more than 48 hours a week and not more than 8 hours a day. The international Labor Organization (ILO) is a part of the United Nations (UN). The job of the ILO is to make rules for people and companies working around the world. These rules ensure that people working everywhere get equal rights and are treated well.

There are different rules for different jobs in India. According to The Factories Act 1948, the working hours in a factory should not exceed 9 hours in any day. Every worker should get a half-hour break and it is necessary to take this break after 5 hours of starting work. One cannot work more than 48 hours in a week. If a worker works more than the fixed time in a week or day, he will get more money.

According to The Mines Act 1952, no person working in a mine is required to work more than 10 hours in any day including overtime. And according to The Minimum Wages Act 1948, the wages paid for overtime should be double the actual rate.

How much pressure can a person bear?

Psychologist Dr Jini K Gopinath told ABP News, most people can work well for 8 hours. Working for too long can make it difficult to think clearly and be creative. Breaks in between work are also necessary. Taking breaks helps to concentrate and feel better. Everyone works differently. Therefore, people should work according to their ability.

Dr Jini K Gopinath also said that people who talk about feeling stressed at work are sometimes considered weak. This makes it difficult for people to talk about mental health problems.

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