How dangerous is single-use plastic?
Small pieces of plastic (microplastics) and the chemicals used to make plastic are harmful to our health. Many chemicals present in plastic affect the hormones of our body. This can cause many problems for us. Such as: hormonal imbalance, difficulty in conceiving children or a dangerous disease like cancer.
Although pollution caused by single-use plastic is most visible on our roads, in reality its effect in water is even worse. When it rains, the plastic lying on the ground flows into drains and rivers. This garbage then reaches the sea. Only 10 rivers of the world are responsible for 93% of the plastic found in the sea. This leads to a lot of plastic accumulating in the sea.
This plastic is very dangerous for marine animals. Many times a lot of plastic has been found in the stomachs of dead whales on the seashore. Research has shown that plastic has been found in the stomachs of 90% of sea birds and 100% of turtles. A study also says that by 2050 there will be more plastic in the sea than fish. Every year millions of marine animals and birds are dying due to plastic. india banned the manufacture, sale, distribution, import, stocking, and use of 19 single-use plastic items on July 1, 2022. The ban also regulates the thickness of some single-use plastic items, such as carry bags, which must be at least 120 microns thick.