Testing packaged food: How did we know which one is healthier?
Most packaged foods fall under the category of "ultra-processed" which are linked to increased risk of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers when consumed frequently.
To test packaged food, experts adopted a special method. They checked the nutrition information written on the front and back of the package as per the rules of the Food Safety and Standards Authority of india (FSSAI). In this study, only nutrition claims related to protein, fiber, fat, sugar and cholesterol were evaluated.
Experts checked the protein, fiber, fat, sugar and cholesterol present in packaged food. Then they used a special system to decide which food is healthy and which is not. This information can help people to make healthy choices.
What was found in packaged food?
More than 70% of the energy in most packaged food was coming from carbohydrates. Only puffed snacks had less amount of carbohydrates. More than 47% of the energy in puffed snacks was coming from fat. Excess fat can also be harmful to health. The amount of protein in all packaged food was less than 15%. protein is essential for the body, so its deficiency is not good for health.
This study shows that most packaged foods contain high amounts of carbohydrates, fat and sugar, which can be harmful for health. Therefore, we should limit the consumption of packaged food. We should eat fresh and nutritious food.