5 things to do after eating..!?

Can you walk after eating? What are the benefits of walking? You can find out in this article. Walking after eating is very good for the body. It will improve our physical health and digestion. Walking after eating is good, but let's look at 5 ways to do it correctly and improve our health through walking. Many of us sit still without getting up after eating. A short rest after eating is very beneficial for the body. We should rest for 10-15 minutes after eating. That is what our ancestors used to call it. This short rest is when the food we eat starts to digest in the stomach. This rest helps prevent discomfort and muscle cramps while walking. It is even better to drink a cup of water before starting to walk.

Walking with music:

A study conducted in 2011 revealed that it is good to rest after eating and then walk for 30-60 minutes. Walking after eating is very good for people with problems such as gas problems and indigestion. It stimulates digestion and corrects digestive problems. You should not walk fast after eating. If this is the case, it is enough to walk while talking to someone or listening to music and enjoying it. Walking slowly helps stimulate digestion and control blood sugar levels.
Simple hand exercises:

1. Stretch your arms well and slowly open and close your fingers. (Do 10 times)

2. Rotate your wrists, clockwise and counterclockwise for a few seconds.

3. Rotate your arms forward and backward for shoulder movement.

4. Touch the tip of each finger with your thumb.

These hand movements help relieve tension and bring peace to the mind.

Deep Breathing:

While breathing, you should take a deep breath. Inhale deeply and exhale through your mouth. Doing this increases oxygen flow and helps digestion. A gentle walk can reduce stress and improve your overall mood. A 2018 study found that walking while breathing can increase physical activity in heart patients.

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