Silent 'Walking' that changes your life..!!?

Here you can find the benefits of walking silently as an experience sharing. Silent walking is becoming a trend all over the world. What does that mean? Simply put, it is 'silent walking'. Walking silently and without any songs, podcasts, phone calls, etc., and concentrating your mind. Allowing yourself to hear the voice coming from within. Walking like this will change your life. A walk in the morning not only keeps your body healthy but also keeps your mind calm. Those who want to pay some attention to their mental health can give importance to walking. Walking silently is also a very good idea. When going for a walk, you should start the journey without carrying a headset, Bluetooth, etc. in your hand. Silent walking is when 'you are with you' only.
Experience Sharing:
Maiyo was hesitant when he first went for silent walking. Can he not pick up his cell phone? But after the first two minutes, his confusion was resolved. Then he felt like he heard a voice inside him that he could walk silently. He felt the universe and the whispers of his intuition coming to him. It was his calm state that made him understand these things. Maiyo said that walking silently helped him understand his thoughts and gain mental clarity.

New Ideas:
Silent walking helps to focus attention for peace of mind. Maio also said that silent walking helps to clear the fog surrounding the brain and increase new ideas. Walking silently makes the five senses more aware. This helps to relieve your depression. If you walk silently, this method will help you to focus more on work and discover new ideas. You will learn the trick to be alert to improve in education.

For the younger generation who always have their cell phones with them, walking without them may be a bit difficult and new. But you can definitely feel the good benefits. Especially those who want to work creatively can follow this method.

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