Why Cauvery water been the subject of recent controversy?
Karnataka was recently ordered to discharge 24 thousand cubic seconds of water per day by tamil Nadu. tamil Nadu filed an appeal with the Cauvery Water Management Authority after karnataka rejected this demand. Following the hearing, management requested that karnataka send tamil Nadu 5,000 cubic feet of water per day for 15 days. When the karnataka government appealed, the supreme court also declined to hear it on september 21. However, the court also rejected tamil Nadu's arguments, which claimed that a directive should be issued to release 7200 cusecs of water daily.

The karnataka government, according to the bjp and JDS, failed to make a compelling case before the supreme court, which is why this decision was made, they claim. The government allegedly also released kaveri waters for tamil Nadu, according to opposition parties.
According to the regional newspaper in karnataka, chief minister Siddaramaiah warned a group of sugarcane farmers that the central government would seize control of all reservoirs if they did not release water. Additionally, Siddaramaiah stated that the supreme court could acquit the government of its contempt charge if the water is not released.
The ganga kaveri River's South Asian History:
The Western Ghats' Brahmagiri mountain is the source of the kaveri river, which currently flows through the states of Kerala, tamil Nadu, Puducherry, and karnataka before emptying into the Bay of Bengal. The river is about 760 kilometres long. Small rivers like Simsa, Hemavati, and Bhavani meet it in Karnataka. kaveri is referred to as the ganga of the South because of its purity. skanda Purana also makes reference to the kaveri River. In tamil Nadu's Dravidian literature, the kaveri river is also mentioned. kaveri is one of India's seven most sacred rivers, according to Hindu religious doctrine.