What is the Palestinian-Israeli conflict about?
Following the First World war, the british conquered this region following the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in the Middle East. where the Jewish and Arab communities were primarily concentrated. Things between the two started to get more tense. The british monarchs then discussed establishing a "separate land" for Jews in palestine at this location. The partition of palestine into two pieces was resolved upon by the UN in 1947. where it was thought to retain one section for Jewish communities and the other for Arab ones. In this circumstance, Jewish leaders announced the creation of the nation of israel on May 14, 1948, despite Arab opposition, and the british withdrew.
Following this, the first Israeli-Arab war started. As a result, nearly 7.5 lakh Palestinians are now homeless in this area. After the war, this entire territory was divided into three parts. The first portion is israel, followed by the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, which is situated on the jordan River's western bank. Palestinians live in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. The Gaza Strip, which is around 25 miles long and 6 miles wide, is home to 22 lakh people. The world's most densely populated area is found here.