Al-Aqsa - Why special for Jews, Muslims and Christians?

The Ottoman Empire ruled over the Gaza Strip, the West bank, israel, and the Al Aqsa Complex prior to World war I. Although there were Jews living here at the time, israel had not yet formed. Following the end of World war I, the Ottoman Empire collapsed, and britain seized control of this entire region. Following the occupation, the United Nations adopted a resolution in 1947 as a result of british pressure for separate housing for Jews. After israel gained its independence in May 1948, Jews received 55% of Palestine's land and Arabs received 45% of it. britain left palestine as well. 

The Arab nations of Egypt, Lebanon, and jordan attacked israel the very day after israel was formed, along with Palestine. 72 per cent of the territory was taken by israel during this operation. israel took control of the western half of Jerusalem, while jordan took control of the eastern half. Following this, israel also took control of east Jerusalem and the West bank during the 1967 gulf war with neighbouring nations. Al Aqsa complex fell under him in this way. jordan owned the Al Aqsa complex prior to this conflict. Following the 1967 occupation, a deal was reached wherein israel would be in charge of security and jordan would oversee the administration of Al Aqsa. The mosque will only be used for Muslim worship. Jews, however, would be free to depart.

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