How important is the business Advisory Committee?

The business Advisory Committee plays an important role in the smooth functioning of the Parliament. This committee ensures that the time available in the parliament can be used optimally and equitably. Apart from this, coordination and cooperation between different political parties are ensured by this committee.

How did this committee start?

The first Speaker of the lok sabha in India, Ganesh Vasudev Mavalankar, suggested for the first time in the year 1951 that it is very important to have a responsible committee to get the work of the house done properly and on time, which should work only on these issues.

Ganesh Vasudev Mavalankar expressed his concern by writing a letter to the leader of the house on 28 march 1951. He wrote in the letter that we do not have any procedure to decide any other matters in the house except economic matters. He said that due to the lack of a fixed procedure, many times during the debate, a closing motion comes and at the end when a parliament member puts his question, the Speaker has to accept the question. He wrote in this letter that if this problem is not resolved in future also, it can become a very sensitive situation for the Speakers. I believe that for such work we should form a steering committee and entrust this work to them. After first considering this letter of the lok sabha Speaker, the house accepted it.

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