The problem of drowning is more in India...why?

The problem of drowning is different in rich and poor countries. In rich countries, drowning incidents are less because there are good facilities like lifeguards, warning signboards and emergency services. People there know how to avoid drowning and also learn to swim. Not only this, people there also follow the rules of safety. Even if an accident happens, good doctors and help are available quickly. That is why fewer people die of drowning there.

But the situation is different in India. The population of our country lives near rivers, ponds and wells. This is also necessary for them. Because they need it for bathing, washing clothes and fetching water. But there are no safety arrangements at these places, neither is there anyone to take care of them nor do people know about the danger of drowning. That is why drowning incidents are more common here.

Different stories of drowning in every state!

In India, more than 70 thousand people died by drowning in the year 2019 itself. This means that the highest number of people in the world die by drowning here. According to the 2022 report of the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), a total of 38503 people died due to drowning, which is 9.1 percent of the total deaths in the country. madhya pradesh is at the forefront of these, where 5427 people died due to drowning. At the same time, about 4700 people died by drowning in Maharashtra.

Apart from this, more than 3000 people have died by drowning in Uttar Pradesh, more than 2800 in karnataka and more than 2600 in tamil Nadu. The situation is not good in Gujarat, odisha and Andhra Pradesh as well. Thousands of people are dying by drowning there too. The report also revealed how people are drowning. The most common thing is that people accidentally fall into the water and drown. More than 28 thousand people died like this. It is not known how the remaining 10,000 drowned and about 300 people drowned when the boat capsized.

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