India won gold medal in Wealth Creation Olympics!!!

Hurun india founder and chief researcher Anas Rehman Junaid said, India is winning the gold medal in the 'Wealth Creation Olympics'. The number of rich and billionaires has increased not just in one or two sectors but in every sector of the top 20 sectors. In this, old family businessmen, startup founders, private equity investors, angel investors, new generation leaders, film stars and many more have progressed. Rice is now becoming the engine of money making in Asia. The number of billionaires decreased by 25% in China, but increased by 29% in India. Now we have a record 334 billionaires."

Anas Rehman Junaid further said, about 70% of the people in this list have a total wealth of 1.5 trillion dollars. This is such a huge amount that it makes up one-third of India's GDP. Now this money is slowly going into the hands of the next generation. This means that new people, new entrepreneurs and capable managers are now joining the race to earn money. This change shows how fast India's economy is changing.

65% of the people in this list are those who started on their own and became rich. Five years ago this figure was 54%, that is, now more people are becoming rich on their own and this year 64% of the new people who have come in the list have started on their own. Not only this, some people have become rich in the first generation itself, their contribution is very big57% of the total wealth in this list belongs to these people who started on their own.

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