Mangesh Yadav encounter - What is the political meaning?

After the encounter of Mangesh Yadav, SP supremo akhilesh yadav posted that this is a fake encounter. akhilesh yadav also posted the statement of the jeweler's shopkeeper in his post. According to him, a loot of Rs. 1.5 crores was done, but not even 10 percent of the loot could be recovered. akhilesh yadav even said that is it possible that the police could not reach the main accused, that is why the looted goods were not recovered.

BJP has suffered a lot in this lok sabha election. In the lok sabha elections, most of the Yadavs or different castes are on the side of BJP. They are attracted to the slogan of Hindutva, so they vote keeping Modi in mind. In the assembly, it goes towards SP and other parties. In the 2022 assembly, it went towards BJP, due to which SP suffered a lot. Now in the lok sabha elections, SP has got the support of all Yadavs and other castes. Due to this, Yogi's temper has also become a little hot.

Earlier, when Vikas Dubey's encounter happened, questions were raised at that time too. media vehicles were also with his convoy. Suddenly the media vehicles are stopped and then Vikas Dubey's car overturns and then the news of the encounter comes out. After that, yogi was asked whether the cars will overturn in the future, then he smiled. That's why questions start arising.

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