Apart from humans, these animals traveled to space!!!

Space is full of many mysteries, to know which scientists have sent not only humans but also animals into space. The space travel of these animals has played a special role in helping us understand different aspects of space. So let us know in this article today which animals have traveled to space so far and how has their journey been.

This animal was first sent to space

One of the first animals to be sent to space was a monkey. In 1957, the Soviet Union sent a monkey to space, named Laika. Laika was sent on the Soviet satellite Sputnik 2. This journey was historic because Laika was the first living creature to travel to space. Although Laika died after her journey, this journey gave important data for the human space mission.

After Laika, other monkeys were also sent on a space journey. In 1959, the US space agency nasa sent two monkeys, Abby and Betsy, into space. The journey of these monkeys helped scientists understand the effect of space on animal biology. During this time, by studying the effects on these animals, scientists understood the possibilities of space travel in a more accurate way.

When the Soviet Union sent dogs into space?

The Soviet Union also sent dogs into space. In 1960, two dogs, Belka and Strelka, were sent on Sputnik 5. These dogs were the first to successfully travel into space and return safely to Earth. Their journey showed that dogs have the ability to survive space travel and endure the effects of space travel.

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