Are Muslims forced to live separately?

Responding to this question, senior journalist Qurban ali says that Muslims are forced to live in a separate area. Because the question is that when there are riots, how will our lives be saved. An educated Muslim goes and lives in another area only to save his life. Recently there were riots in delhi in 2020. No Muslim wants to live happily among his religion, caste, community. They have to live separately out of compulsion.

At the same time, journalist vishnu Sharma says that when Muslim boys go to another city for job or studies, they often have trouble finding a house. The main reason for this is that meat is not eaten in many Jain families. Therefore, they do not want to give a house to a Muslim. But the same happens in reverse too. However, not all people are the same. Many people are also sensible.

Vishnu Sharma also narrated one of his anecdotes. He says that recently he had gone to wayanad for a private event. There he saw that there were long lines of green flags on both sides of the road, even though it was not the festival season. Because the flag of pakistan is also green, there was confusion whether we had come to pakistan or not. wayanad district is more beautiful than Shimla-Manali, but today it has been made an Islamic state. No one has the courage to hoist any other flag there. There are many such places in India.

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