How many nuclear weapons are there in the entire globe?

There are roughly 9500 nuclear weapons in various locations throughout the world at the moment. Airfields, naval bases, and bunkers are safe places for these weapons. In addition, a lot is being shipped in submarines all over the world. Nuclear weapons are also meant to deter other nations from launching nuclear attacks. But under the existing strategy, America has the ability to ignite a nuclear conflict by launching nuclear weapons first in any conflict. even in the event that China, Russia, or north korea launched a non-nuclear attack.

How many times have we deployed nuclear weapons in the past?

There have only been two nuclear weapons uses to far. In both cases, it was applied by the united states against japan toward the close of World war II. On august 6, 1945, the united states dropped "Little Boy," a fission bomb shaped like a uranium cannon, on Hiroshima for the first time. Then, on august 9, three days later, America detonated "Fat Man," a plutonium fission weapon designed to resemble an implosion. Approximately 2 lakh military troops and civilians perished as a result of these bombs. The aftermath of these nuclear strikes is still evident here.

Over 2,000 nuclear bomb tests have taken place worldwide since then. Still, relatively few nations possess these kinds of weaponry. The united states of America, Russia, Britain, France, China, India, Pakistan, and north korea are the nations that have publicly acknowledged possessing nuclear weapons. Although israel possesses similar weapons as well, it rejects them. Nuclear weapons belonging to other nations are in Germany, Italy, Turkey, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Belarus. The only nation to produce its own nuclear weapons and subsequently destroy them is South Africa.

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