America has the power to launch a nuclear attack!!!

The decision to launch nuclear weapons in the US rests entirely with the President. He does not need to consult anyone for this decision and once the launch order is legally issued, no one has the right to stop that order. This system is called 'sole authority' but it is not the only way to handle the launch decision. Other officials can also be safely involved in the decision-making process.

Currently 800 nuclear missiles are kept on 'hair-trigger alert' in the central part of the US. This means that if sensors indicate an incoming nuclear attack that puts these missiles at risk, then it is the policy of the US to immediately inform the President. The President has to immediately order the launch of these missiles to prevent them from being destroyed.

Is it possible to eliminate the threat of nuclear bombs forever?

Of course, the threat of nuclear bombs can be eliminated, but it is not easy to do so. Mistrust and political tensions between countries increase the risk of use of nuclear weapons. It may take decades to completely eliminate nuclear weapons. This requires the consent and cooperation of all nuclear weapon countries.

Many countries consider nuclear weapons necessary for their security. These countries maintain a stockpile of weapons keeping in mind their security interests. In such a situation, it is difficult to convince them to give up their weapons. Countries believe that if they do not keep nuclear weapons, their security may be weakened. Big countries consider these weapons a symbol of their strength. They think that these make them fearful in the world.

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