What did gandhiji feel after coming to India?

Gandhiji said that only after coming to india he realized that it is impossible to achieve such a celibacy vow by human effort alone. Till then he was under the illusion that only a fruit diet can eradicate all his desires. He had convinced himself that he does not need to do anything else. mahatma gandhi made one thing clear and said that those who want to follow celibacy with the aim of achieving God need not be disappointed. The most important thing is that their faith in their god should be as deep as their faith in their efforts.

Gandhiji experimented for six years

The most important thing for observing celibacy is to control the tongue. gandhiji found that when he had complete control over his tongue, it became very easy to observe the fast. So he started experimenting with his food and drink. He used to experiment not only from a vegetarian point of view, but also from the point of view of a celibate.

From these experiments, he understood that the food of a celibate should be limited, simple, without spices and if possible, uncooked. After six years of experimentation, he found that the best food for a celibate is fresh fruits and nuts.

When he ate only fruits and nuts, he got freedom from lust. But when he changed his diet, this freedom ended. When he ate only fruits and nuts in South Africa, there was no difficulty in observing celibacy. But since he started drinking milk, it became very difficult. gandhiji feels that drinking milk makes it difficult to follow the celibacy vow. But he does not say that all brahmacharyas should give up milk.

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