People here drink soup made of the ashes of the dead bodies!

Different people from different countries of the world have different traditions. There are many tribes in the world, which have different customs. The traditions of many of these tribes are quite strange. Generally, the common man will be surprised to hear and see these traditions. There is one such place in the world. Where you will be surprised to know the way the bodies of people are treated after death. Here, after death, soup is made from the ashes of the bodies of dead people and drunk. Whose tradition is this and why is this tradition celebrated? Let us tell you.

People drink soup made from the ashes of the dead bodies

The people of the Yanomami tribe of South America have a very strange tradition of cremation of people. The Yanomami tribe is found in South America. The people of this tribe are known as yanam or Senema. people of this tribe are also found in venezuela and Brazil. This tribe is still far behind in the development of civilization.

The customs of the people here are completely different from the Western civilization. The tradition of performing last rites in this tribe found in South America is very different from the rest of the world. The people of the Yanomani tribe make soup from the ashes left after burning the bodies of their deceased relatives and drink it. This tradition is called endocannibalism.

How is the tradition followed?

If a person dies in the Yanomani tribe. Then after this, their dead bodies are covered with leaves of trees and other things. Then after 30-40 days, they bring the dead body back. Then they burn the body. Then they make soup from the remaining ashes and drink it.

Why is this tradition followed?

Many people wonder why the people of the Yanomami tribe celebrate this tradition. So, the Yanomami tribe says that after a person's death, his soul should be protected. people in the tribe believe that a person's soul can find peace only when his body is eaten by his relatives. And this is the reason why the people of this tribe make soup of ash and drink it after burning the dead bodies.

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