In this country, a father can marry adopted daughter as well...
Different countries of the world have different types of laws. In countries, laws have been made for almost every thing. people have to do that work according to this law. If anyone works outside the laws, then it is illegal. And action is taken against such people. Many rules have been made in different countries of the world regarding marriage.
The age of marriage is also fixed in this, who can get married at what age? There is a strange kind of law in this country of the world. Where a father can marry his adopted daughter as well. This law was made by the government of that country itself. Let us tell you about this country.
In iran, a father can marry his adopted daughter
Having a child is a matter of great happiness for any parent. To have a son or daughter, parents go to different places and pray, offer offerings. But some people are not able to become parents. Such parents adopt children. And those who do not want to get married, even unmarried people adopt children. Adopted children are also given as much love as biological children. Be it a son or a daughter. But the case is different in Iran. In iran, if a father adopts a daughter, he can also marry her. In the year 2013, the then-government of iran passed this law. Let us tell you that there is no such shameful law in any other country of the world.
A girl of 9 years gets married
The law regarding marriage in iran is also very different from the rest of the world. In India, where the official age of marriage for girls is 18 years and for boys is 21 years. Whereas in Iran, girls of 9-13 years can also get married. Boys can get married at the age of 15 years.