Chhatrapati title and establishment of maratha Empire!
On june 6, 1674, shivaji was crowned as the king of the Marathas at Raigad. He assumed the titles of Chhatrapati, Shakyakarta, kshatriya Kulwant and Haindava Dharmodhhaar. The maratha empire founded by shivaji grew over time and became the leading indian power by the early 18th century.
Administration of Shivaji
Shivaji Maharaj carried out several administrative reforms aimed at efficient governance. He abolished the Jagirdari system and introduced the Ryotwari system for revenue collection. He appointed a group of eight ministers, known as Ashtapradhan, to assist him in administration.
Military Administration of Shivaji
The great maratha ruler Chhatrapati shivaji Maharaj formed a well-organised and efficient army, in which soldiers were paid in cash and military commanders were paid through Jagir (Saranjam). His army consisted of infantry (Mavali infantry), cavalry (horsemen and equipment operators) and navy. The main officers of the army included Sar-e-Naubat (commander-in-chief), Kiledar (guard of forts), nayak (in-charge of infantry), Havaldar (head of five Nayak) and Jumladar (head of five Havaldars). Shivaji's army consisted of brave warriors from the Maval region, and substantial funds were spent by the state on weapons. shivaji abolished the Jagirdari system and promoted the Raiyatwari system, as well as made changes in the status of hereditary revenue officials. His revenue system was based on Malik Ambar's Kathi system, in which land was measured by rods, and revenue was obtained from taxes such as Chauth and Sardeshmukhi.
When did shivaji die?
Chhatrapati shivaji Maharaj died on april 3, 1680. After his death, his son Sambhaji Maharaj took over the reins of the maratha Empire.