Has government taken steps to increase milch animals?

The Government of india is taking several steps under the National Gokul Mission to help the states and union territories in their efforts to increase the number of milch animals. Under the National Gokul Mission, the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying is promoting artificial insemination across the countryIts aim is to increase the milk production capacity of cattle including indigenous breeds. This will increase the number of milch animals in the country.

Artificial insemination is a process in which semen is inserted directly into the uterus instead of naturally impregnating the female animal. Artificial insemination can control some diseases spreading among animals. Animals of better breed give more milk, which increases milk production and also increases the income of farmers.

The government wants more female calves to be born, because only female animals give milk. For this, it is using modern techniques like sex sorted semen and IVF. This will produce better breed animals and milk production will increase.

Good breed animals: Government's effort

The government wants the breed of cows and buffaloes of our country to be good, which give more milk. For this, the government examines the calves of the animals and looks at their families. This shows which animals are of good breed. This work is being done for cows like Gir-Sahiwal and buffaloes like Murrah-Mehsana. The same is being done for cows like Rathi, Tharparkar, Haryana, Kankrej and buffaloes like Jaffrabadi, Neeli Ravi, Pandharpuri and Banni.

The government is also examining the genes of animals. This shows which animals are of good breed and their calves will also be of good breed. For this, 'Gau Chip' has been made for cows and 'Mahish Chip' for buffaloes.

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