Usage of smartphone by parents and its impact towards their child...
Parenting - Communication between baby and mother is very important. If these are hindered by certain things the development of the child may be affected. Children will do exactly what their parents do. This also applies to smartphone usage. Many people are skeptical that children will be affected by the high use of smartphones by parents.
University of Tel Aviv, is leading the study to find out if parents use smartphone does it affects their children. Accordingly the mothers of the children aged 2 to 3 years were selected and subjected to the examination. About 12 moms participated in this study. Three standard studies were conducted on these. But the mothers were not informed about what these studies were being conducted for. So everyone naturally participated in this.
In the first task moms have been doing things like using facebook and watching videos. Next they made to read some newspapers. Moms used to do that too. Then at last they are made to pay full attention and play with the children. In this final task they have been asked to put out their smartphones and newspapers. These studies have also been videotaped.
After conducting this study, some of these have been noted. In the first and second task of this study, if moms ask their children something while they are looking at facebook and the newspaper, moms may not be able to answer it correctly.
For example, if children say, "Mom, there's a car," do not say, "Yes, there is." Instead say "yes, it's a red car". Only by doing so -it will make the children to develop socially, linguistically, intellectually and emotional bonding. Through this study, it has been revealed that mothers who use a smartphone do not fully focus on their children. The same is true for dads.