Why does visual impairment occur at a young age???

Although a poor lifestyle is the main reason for the visual impairment that occurs at a young age, genes are also responsible for this. There are many causes of visual impairment at a young age. Gone are the days when visual impairment was a problem for the elderly and is now a common problem even among young people and children. Poor lifestyle, poor reading, watching too much tv or using a mobile phone are believed to be the main reasons for this.

Symptoms of visual impairment

Symptoms include frequent headaches, blurred vision, and redness of the eyes. This will let you know that you have a vision defect. In such a situation, do not ignore these symptoms. 

Causes of visual impairment

While visual impairment can occur for several reasons, it can also include neurological problems. Neurological problems are believed to be one of the main causes of blurred vision or visual impairment at an early age.

Visual impairment at a young age

Aside from lifestyle, genetics is also the reason for visual impairment at a young age. If a family member has albinism or retinitis pigmentosa, it is believed that these conditions can cause weak eyes in children. Thus, blurred vision and even blindness can occur at an early age.

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