Stop children from biting their nails...
Young children often put everything in their mouth. In such a situation, some children get into the habit of eating nails. They start eating nails in front of anyone, which looks very bad. It also harms health because nails can get dirty even if they look clean. Many types of diseases are hidden inside the nails, which can be dangerous for the health of children. This habit of children can be got rid of by adopting some home remedies.
Don't put anything in your mouth
Some children have a habit of putting something in their mouth. Because of this, they keep putting nails in their mouth again and again. In such a situation, if the parents stop them at the right time, then the child may not get into the habit of eating nails.
Put something bitter on the hand
To eliminate the habit of putting something in the mouth of children again and again, you can apply something bitter on their hands, like bitter gourd. By doing this, as soon as he puts his hands in his mouth or eats his nails, he will feel bitter. They won't do it a second time if the taste is bad. In this way, the habit of eating nails of children is left very quickly.
Baby eats nails even when new teeth come
Even when new teeth come in, the child keeps putting his hands in his mouth again and again. In such a situation, if your child eats nails, then it may be that his teeth are coming. In such a situation, you can give him some food item like coconut which he can chew for a long time.
Keep biting nails
Apart from all these methods, to correct the habit of eating nails, the nails of children should be cut from time to time. By doing this the habit of eating nails can be reduced to a great extent.