Parenting tips: How to motivate and support kids effectively?

Working in groups helps people build their social skills as well as their communication, problem-solving, and leadership skills. Students' socio-emotional development grows at its fastest during their first few years of school. Children can study together through group activities, which can be an effective method. 

But simply putting kids in groups does not ensure that they will be able to cooperate, plan, and remain on task. Remember that for group projects to be completed effectively, your kids will need assistance from you and their teachers.


We are all aware that even if they don't know the answer, students should be expected to participate in class talks by offering their ideas and views. 

To help ensure that everyone has a good and secure experience, we should set some ground rules. Honour other people by speaking loudly enough for everyone to hear, paying attention to your peers, and refraining from interjecting when they are speaking.

Make children accountable for their scores

Give children two tasks to complete at the beginning of the task: one for the final product and one for the collaborative effort. Traditional methods, such as group judgement to assess whether everyone contributed to the work, may be used in the task evaluation.

 Small group 

By dividing your class into smaller groups, the kids will feel more responsible for their involvement. Additionally, they might feel more at ease conversing privately or in a small group about difficult subjects. 

Make sure to give each group specific instructional resources so that the kids can benefit from and learn from one another.

Methods of inquiry-based instruction

At this period, kids are very inquisitive. For each idea being discussed, they have a list of queries. Important inquiries that delve deeper into the subject matter may be raised by students, who may then respond with responses that show interest in the material.

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