Is it necessary to ban children from social media?
Will social media be banned for children in australia soon? The Australian government has indicated the same. Recently, the government announced that it will bring a new law under which a minimum age limit will be set for children to use social media. That is, if the child's age is below that limit, then Facebook, instagram or any other social media platform will not be able to run. However, it has not been decided yet what this minimum age limit will be, but perhaps it can be between 14 and 16 years.
Why is this being done?
Many countries around the world are making such laws to protect children from the harm caused by social media. Many times children fall into bad company on social media or get trapped in other types of trouble. australia is also taking this step for the safety of children.
Many parents in australia are also worried about the online safety of their children. For this reason, the government there is also considering making such laws. elections are due in australia in May next year. The opposition party has promised that if they win the elections, social media will be banned for children under the age of 16.
Why are rules necessary on social media?
Social media are those websites and apps where people connect with each other, talk and share their thoughts. Newspapers, magazines, journals and newsletters are all old-fashioned media, they are not included in social media. There is a demand for making rules on social media because it is often used to spread false news, provoke people and give wrong information. That is why governments around the world are making rules for social media companies. Right now these rules are not the same all over the world. Different types of laws are being made in different countries.