Gaming addiction and suicidal thinking up to about 20%!

According to research, the detection rate of internet gaming addiction and suicidal thinking among adolescents was around 20%. This problem is very serious and it is important to take it seriously. Internet gaming addiction and suicidal thinking are deeply intertwined. Gaming addiction can have a direct effect on suicidal thinking and indirectly through negative emotions.

Hope can reduce the impact of negative emotions, which is the link between gaming addiction and suicidal thinking. Meaning, if youth have more hope, then negative emotions will push them less towards suicide.

Online gaming addiction: What steps has the government taken?

On the question asked in Parliament, the government says that some changes have been made in the Information technology (Intermediary Guidelines and wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>digital media Ethics Code) Rules 2021. These changes have been made under the Information technology Act 2000. These rules apply to online gaming companies and all websites and apps where online games are played. The government has made these rules so that the dangers of online gaming can be reduced. The government knows that there are many dangers of online gaming, such as getting addicted to it.

No online gaming company or website can show any information that is against the law. Online gaming companies also have to ensure that no wrongdoing takes place on their platform. If any complaint comes, they have to act on it immediately. If there is any information that is harmful for children, it has to be removed immediately. If this game promotes money laundering or gambling, it also has to be removed.

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