Cindy Gallop founder of MakeLoveNotPorn wants to launch the initiative to change the sexual behaviour of Indian youth. Its world’s first user generated self-curated social sex videos sharing platform. Many youths in india demands MLNP.

     In india the rape statistics shows as one of the most dangerous places for women. Even though after a complete ban on pornography in india, its still the third most pornography watching country in the world, basically due to proxy servers, Manipulated IP addresses, alternative browsers.

      Gallop believes that rape culture throngs where people hesitate to talk about sex openly, only source of sex education is porn materials. Total freedom to watch porn brings aggression and violence in mind sets of male dominated patriarchal society of the country. Through MNLP society can bring changes in sexual behaviours of men by talking, interpreting, understanding, and operating the good sexual values and behaviours.

      MNLP is need of the hour for country like india where every 15 minutes a woman is raped. It can inculcate good sexual habits in men especially. Gallop is looking for investors to launch the initiative in the country. She believes MNLP can bring a change in Indian society pertaining to sexual conduct.

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