Usually Bollywood actress deepika padukone has always been vocal about mental health issues and the concerns around it. The actress has never shied away from advocating the need to focus on mental health, especially in the present times. The Padmavat has been open about her struggles with depression too.


Now, as the death of actor sushant singh rajput has initiated discussions around mental health once again, deepika also held a chat session with Dr shyam Bhat and Dr Soumitra Pathare on the youtube channel of Live love Laugh Foundation to talk about suicide, depression and the common misconceptions. She shared about the session on her instagram stories, writing, “While I embarked on this journey more than 5 years ago, recent tragic events have made us all realise that now more than ever, we need to prioritize menial health & intensify our focus on #SuicidePrevention.”


Moreover in their video, the om shanti om actress and the mental health experts discussed the triggers that lead to suicidal thoughts and how it can be prevented. As a matter of fact, it was mentioned that suicides are most prevalent in people between 15-25 years of age. Deepika has pressurized on the need to open up and speak to an expert if one is facing mental health issues. Soon after the death of Sushant, deepika shared a note, which read, “As a person who has had a lived experience with mental illness, I cannot stress enough about the importance of reaching out.”

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