bollywood actor ajay devgn on monday lauded 'Dabangg' actor sonu sood for helping stranded laborers to return their native places. Devgn took to social media to laud Sood for his exemplary’ work. "The sensitive nature of the work that you are doing with sending migrant workers back to their homes safely is exemplary. More strength to you, Sonu @SonuSood#IndiaFightsCorona #StayHomeStaySafe," messaged Devgn


Meanwhile Sood had on monday, May 25 shared a helpline number for stranded laborers and promised them to help them as much as he can. "My beloved 'shramik' (laborers) brothers and sisters, please give a call on this number if you are in mumbai and want to go back to your home," Sood wrote in Hindi. "Call on 18001213711 and tell us your exact location and the number of people and the place where you want to go. Me and my team will do as much as possible," Sood's message further read.


Moreover the 46 year old actor who is known for his roles in films like Singh is Kinng, Simmba and dabangg is being hailed all over the media for arranging hassle-free passage of migrant laborers to their respective homes. Pictures of Sood waving at the laborers seated in buses has been winning hearts on the internet since early May. Hundreds of thousands of migrant laborers have been stranded in urban areas with no livelihood and very little to survive during the COVID-19-induced lockdown forcing them to take to the path of their native places on foot

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