Reportedly ram charan, Allu arjun, naga chaitanya and samantha were some of the celebrities from telugu film industry who attended the wedding of rana daggubati and Miheeka Bajaj on august 8. Their marriage, which happened at Ramamaidu Studios in hyderabad, was a close-knit affair with only a few family members and friends in attendance. They followed telugu and Marwari traditions and the wedding was live streamed for public viewing as well. The guests were requested to maintain social distancing and the event was held adhering to government's restrictions and regulations.

Rana Daggubati's close friend and actor ram charan, was one of the firsts to share pictures from their wedding on social media. In one of the pictures, ram charan and wife upasana konidela, was seen posing for pictures with the gorgeous bride and the handsome groom. ram charan wrote, "Finally my hulk is married wishing @ranadaggubati #miheeka a very happy life together!!" Sharing a group picture from rana daggubati and Miheeka Bajaj's wedding, samantha akkineni welcomed Miheeka to the family. She wrote, "#ranawedsmiheeka... the most adorable @miheeka. Welcome to the family. In an interview to india Today tv, rana daggubati revealed why Miheeka and him make a great couple.

He said, "I think I am growing up and it's time to get married. My fiancée Miheeka lives 3 kms away from my house and we're in the same vicinity. Sometimes, you know when things are going smoothly. And I don't question it when things are going correctly. She's lovely and we make a great pair. We draw positive energy from one another. I am getting married on august 8. On the personal front, it's been the best time of my life, getting married to Miheeka. It's been pretty awesome." Fans and other celebrities in the showbiz have been sending them congratulatory messages.

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