Cough Syrup Tips: Do not give cough syrup directly...

Recently the case of death of children from Gambia has put people in a lot of concern because whatever happens we give cough syrup to children even in the slightest cough. Mothers get so upset that they themselves become doctors before the doctor's opinion. When and how often children should be given syrup, during which things should be kept in mind and what can be the harm, we talked to Dr. usha Ranjan, she asked us to look at some things.

What was the matter (Gambia Case)?

WHO has also swung into action after the Gambia incident, the organization has included these four drugs in Promethazine Oral Solution, Kofexmalin Baby Cough Syrup, Makoff Baby Cough Syrup and has issued an alert regarding the inclusion of Magrip N Cold Syrup, but it does not mean that all except these four are safe and we can take it without thinking. Before taking any syrup, we should check which chemical is used more or less in it. These drugs were found to contain high amounts of diethylene glycol and ethylene glycol, which proved to be quite fatal. Excess consumption of diethylene glycol (DEG) or ethylene glycol becomes toxic to humans.

Home Remedies to Reduce Cough

If the child has a cough, do not give syrup to the child immediately, do home remedies, such as adding ginger to steam, hot water, decoction, honey. This may not give instant relief, but he will soon get relief. Be very careful especially in case of children, children should not be given syrup too much, start medicine only after consulting doctor.

Keep These things in Mind

Understand the name of the medicine and for what it is being given, and also know its date and other details.

How much, when and for how long to give medicine, decide a dose, do not give too much.

Many times we give the syrup of elders kept in the house to the children, it is hard, so attention is needed, children's syrup is different.

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