Follow basic tips to make cafe style coffee How to Make Cafe Style coffee : Any cafe is the best, rather it is because coffee is very good there and you are fond of coffee. Let's see how to make cafe style coffee. know the tips
You go to the same cafe to have coffee over and over again. The reason for this is not that a cafe is the best, but because the coffee is very good there and you are a coffee lover.
If you also want to make cafe style coffee at home, then you can make coffee at home by following some easy tips. Come, know which tips to follow-
fresh coffee
First you should buy fresh coffee. When buying coffee, check carefully whether the coffee is fresh or not. Fresh coffee can make your coffee delicious. Buy only fresh coffee without adulteration.
Right ratio of water and milk
If there is too much water in your coffee, your coffee will still not taste delicious. At the same time, if there is too much milk, the test of coffee will not come well. In such a situation, it is very important that while making coffee, keep the right ratio of water and milk.
proper use of sugar
If you put more sugar in coffee, then you will not be able to get the correct taste of coffee. In such a situation, it is very important to put the right amount of sugar in the cup for the strong test of coffee.
coffee powder
To increase the taste of coffee, it is also very important that you sprinkle coffee powder on top of it when coffee is made. This will enhance the taste of the coffee and prepare cafe style flavored and aromatic coffee.