Health Alert - These 6 foods will spoil the kidney...

The important work that kidney does for our body is not hidden from anyone. If we talk about overall health, then first of all it is very important for the kidney to be healthy. Because, if the kidneys are not healthy, then the person can become a victim of many serious diseases. There are some such foods, which become the biggest reason for this. Therefore, the consumption of these foods should be avoided.

Avoid consuming these foods

Banana - If you have kidney disease, do not forget to consume banana. Because, it contains high amount of potassium, due to which the kidney filter can get damaged.

Potato with skin - Actually, there is a lot of potassium in potatoes and a large part of it comes from the peel. That's why eating potatoes with peels should be avoided, otherwise it can gradually damage the kidneys.

Lentils - Lentils are very good for health, but its excess quantity is not at all good for kidney filter. Please tell that about 730 mg of potassium is available from 1 cup of cooked lentils.

Tomato paste - Tomato or its paste can greatly increase the kidney damage potassium in the body. That's why tomato or its paste should be eaten in limited quantity. A medium sized tomato contains about 290 mg of potassium.

Milk or yogurt - Kidney patients should minimize the consumption of milk and curd. Because this kidney-damaging element is also present in such products. From dairy products, we get about a quarter of the required quantity of the day comfortably.

Chicken breast - Bad kidney patients should avoid consuming chicken breast and healthy people should also eat it under control. Because it contains protein in abundance, but it also contains potassium.

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