In a world where paying your electricity bill has become a modern epic, TGSPDCL decided to shake things up. Picture this: customers peacefully scrolling through their phones, ready to zap their bills away with the tap of a finger on paytm or a swipe on google Pay. But wait! In a shocking turn of events, TGSPDCL drops the bomb: "No more third-party apps, folks! Use our website or app, pronto!"

Cue the chaos. Chiranjeevi, a seasoned netizen, couldn't hold back. With the speed of a wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>digital superhero, he fires off a scathing tweet: "TGSPDCL, you can't just cut us off from our wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>digital lifelines! RBI didn't sign off on this madness!" Meanwhile, Nagaraju, ever the voice of reason (and a bit of sass), jumps into the fray: "Blaming the RBI? Come on, TGSPDCL, get with the program! Register on BBPS and let us pay in peace!"

And then, enter Yaqoob Tucy, the grandmaster of sarcasm: "Seriously? Adding stress to our lives with high charges and online transaction fees? Someone throw TGSPDCL a life jacket, they're drowning in their own rules!"

As the internet erupts in memes and hashtags, TGSPDCL scrambles to handle the fallout. Will their website and app survive the onslaught of furious bill-payers? Stay tuned for the next episode of "The Great electricity Payment Debacle!"

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