How fast did ozone pollution increase in which city?
An interesting thing is that where the amount of nitrogen oxide (NO2) and small particles (PM2.5) in the air is less, there the amount of ozone is found to be more. This happens because nitrogen oxide is needed to form ozone, but when there is more nitrogen oxide, ozone again turns into another substance. Therefore, where there is less nitrogen oxide, the amount of ozone increases and it accumulates there.
This year, the level of ozone has increased a lot in many cities compared to last year. In ahmedabad, it has increased by 4000 percent. In pune it increased by 500 percent and in jaipur it increased by 152 percent. There has been an increase of 115 percent in Hyderabad. There has been a slight increase in mumbai and Bangalore, but there has been a slight decrease in delhi and Lucknow. The level of ozone in kolkata and chennai has decreased compared to last year.
Ozone pollution remained for a long time in many cities. In Bengaluru, the ozone level remained high for an average of 12 hours, while in lucknow it remained high for 16 hours. In pune, jaipur and Ahmedabad too, the ozone level remained high for an average of 14-15 hours. In delhi, mumbai, chennai, kolkata and hyderabad too, this level remained high for 12 to 14 hours.