This is one of the reasons behind dying sentiments?

When small children express their desire to play with their parents or elder relatives, we often get rid of them by giving them mobile phones instead of giving time to their childhood. Even if the children insist on going out of the house with us, we pacify them by giving them mobile phones. In the evening, when the children return from office, college or work, they ask a barrage of innocent questions. Even then most people get irritated and either turn on the TV or give them mobile phones or do all those things which divert the child's mind except answering innocent questions and talking.

As time passes, the child's mischief and questions both keep on decreasing. Then knowingly or unknowingly the child understands that the mobile is his companion, friend and teacher too, and he does not realize when the mobile world starts with cartoons, moves on to puzzle games, action games and from cartoons like tom and Jerry, Shinchan, Doraemon to animation.

Problem due to lack of supervision

This journey itself introduces the child to the world of vulgarity, obscenity and crime. And why not, in action games every character is on some mission or the other. He is engaged in trying to defeat some enemy or the other. When the child while playing games kills the enemy and shouts happily, Hurray! This stage is over and you advise him to study or not to play such violent games, then the child may dismiss you by calling you old fashioned, but this will not be an exaggeration in today's time. Always remember 'excess should be avoided everywhere'.

The child who has fulfilled the absence of his parents with mobile and TV. Whose loneliness has been removed by gadgets. Their attachment and deep friendship will be more with gadgets than with parents. If this were not so, then there would not be news every day that a child killed his mother for snatching the mobile or there would be no news of children committing suicide after being scolded for the mobile.

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