Shraddha dhawan hails from Nikoj village in Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra.
At the age of 24, she has invested his talent and hard work and has set an example for many. "At a young age, she led a white revolution through the dairy business,” say those who know him proudly.

Shraddha started milking and selling buffalo milk at the age of 11 and now runs a business worth Rs 1 crore by setting up a separate company called 'Shraddha Farms. Her father was a differently abled person. She started milking and selling buffalo milk to help his father and learned the techniques and business techniques at the age of 13. She is a postgraduate in physics.

In 2017, she started selling 45 buffaloes. She now maintains a two-tier shed with 80 buffaloes. Shraddha expanded the farm and then planned to improve the quality of milk and then concentrated on it. As a result, profits increased.
Another specialty of his farm is the principle of zero waste policy. That is, she uses the waste from buffaloes in his farm properly. She uses waste from buffaloes to generate electricity.She has set up a biogas plant for this purpose.
Apart from this, he also produces vermicompost from this waste.  She produces around 30,000 kg of vermicompost a month. She used his fertilizer and she sells under the name C S Agro Organics. Shraddha grows only 60% of her profit from the dairy business. The remaining 40% of his income comes from vermicompost.

 Shraddha trains farmers
She not only makes a profit by generating waste from his farm waste, but has also made his farm a waste free farm. Today, farmers from abroad also visit his farm. She has been training many people about the field through online classes and live classes.  The fee for the two-day course is Rs 3,499.

Shraddha has been receiving accolades from all over the world for setting an example for many women in her village at a young age, capitalizing on her talent and hard work.

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