If mud stains have got on clothes, adopt these tips!!!

Rainy season brings with it many problems. Although this season is very pleasant, but no one likes the mud caused by rain. Many times mud gets on our clothes and then there is a lot of difficulty in cleaning the clothes, due to which most of the people get upset. If your child or someone's clothes in the house are spoiled due to mud and the stains are not getting cleaned, then you can follow some tips. Let's know about those tips.

Remove mud stains from clothes

As soon as mud stains appear on clothes. You should immediately try to clean that cloth. Because if the mud gets settled once, then it becomes a little difficult to clean it. Apart from this, first of all clean the mud with the help of a brush without applying water, then try to clean it using cold water. If it is not cleaned with water, then you can use detergent.

Use baking soda

If this stain is a little stubborn, then you do not need to worry. You can make a paste by mixing baking soda in water. Apply this paste on the stained area, let it stay for a while, then wash it with clean water. By doing this, the mud stain will come out easily. Baking soda contains natural stain remover, which helps in removing mud stains.

Use vinegar

You can use vinegar to remove stubborn mud stains. Mix vinegar in water and leave it on the cloth for a while, then wash it with clean water. Apart from this, you can also use lemon juice to remove mud stains. Apply lemon juice on the mud stain, after a while wash the cloth with clean water.

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