It is not easy to be a teenager today!

Have you ever wondered whether being a teenager today is more difficult or easier than before? people have different opinions about this. Most people say that being a teenager today is difficult. But teenagers do not know whether it is easy or difficult. In Pew Research, 1453 American parents of teenagers aged 13 to 17 were asked whether being a teenager today is difficult, easy or almost the same as compared to 20 years ago? In the research report, 69 percent of the parents said it was difficult. Very few people say that it is easy or almost the same now.

Why has the life of teenagers become difficult?

In the survey, most of the parents have blamed technology and social media for making the life of teenagers difficult. Of the parents who say it is difficult to be a teenager today, about two-thirds name some kind of technology. Such as video games or TV. 41% specifically name social media. parents also mention the disadvantages of being constantly connected to social media.

American parents believe that social media is very bad for teenagers. A father said during the survey, "Social media is a curse for society, especially for teenagers. They cannot avoid it due to social pressure which causes extreme stress." At the same time, a mother said, "Children are being told what to think and how to feel based on social media."

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